Privacy and Cookie Policy
Last updated: November 27, 2024
General provisions
UAB 360 Arena ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Company ” ) respects all own customers ( buyers ), including Companies online websites ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Website ”) visitors ( hereinafter referred to as the “ Customers ”) have the right to privacy and undertakes to ensure their person data protection and their , as data subjects , rights assurance.
This Privacy and cookies policy ( hereinafter referred to as the Policy) governs main Customers ( including Websites visitors ) person data collection , processing and storage principles and Please carefully to read Politics , because each once visiting On the website , you agree with under the conditions described in this In politics.
By organizing Yours person data , we we comply with the European Parliament resolution of 27 April 2016 and Councils Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on physical persons protection while processing person data and because of free such data movement and which repealed Directive 95/46/EC ( hereinafter referred to as the “ GDPR” ), the Republic of Lithuania person data legal protection Law ( hereinafter referred to as “ADTAĮ”), and other in force in the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania rights acts requirements and controlling institutions instructions.
Policy goes into effect immediately after her announcement On the website and can to be changing periodically , without a separate message.
Personal data – any information about physical a person whose identity established or whose identity possible to set ( data) subject ); physical person whose identity possible to determine , is person whose identity directly or indirectly possible to determine , all first according to identifier , as such as name and last name , person identification number , location places data and internet identifier or according to one whether some of that physical person physical , physiological , genetic , mental , economic , cultural whether social identities signs.
Data entity – physical person – Companies customer ( including Websites visitors ), whose person data is collected Companies.
Data subject’s consent – any free will given , specific and unambiguous properly informed data subject will expression statement or unambiguous actions by which he agrees that would be handled with him related person data.
Data handling – any automated or non-automated by means with person data whether person data sets performed operation whether operations follows , as such as collection , recording , sorting , systematization , storage , adaptation whether change , extraction , access , use , disclosure forwarding , distributing whether other in a way making possibility them use , also juxtaposition whether connection with others data , restriction , deletion or destruction.
Data manager – physical or legal person , government institution , agency whether other institution that Data manager on behalf of manages person data.
Data Manager – UAB 360 Arena, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania laws established Company , code 306864684, registered habitat Pavilnionių g. 55-101, LT-12144 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, details about which accumulated and protected Legal persons in the registry.
Cookie – small textual information particle which automatically created while browsing On the website and is protected Yours on the computer whether in the next in the back on the device . Cookies helps to recognize you as Websites visitor , save visiting On the website history and to tailor your personal experience accordingly content , ensure smooth Websites operation , ensure faster and more comfortable Websites use , analyze Yours behavior and yes to improve provided services.
Direct marketing – activity aimed at by mail , by phone or different direct in a way to offer for individuals services and ( or ) inquire their opinions because of offered services.
The controller of your personal data is:
UAB 360 Arena
Legal entity code: 306864684
Address: Pavilnioniÿ St. 55-101, LT-12144 Vilnius
Email address:
What information do we collect about you and how do we use it?
For what purpose do we collect personal data? What data do we collect? What is the GDPR requirement when processing data? In order to properly to provide you with services and to process Yours order – Name, surname – Phone Number – Date of birth – Email address – Address (street, house/apartment number, city, postal code, country) – Event date and time (when you purchase a birthday ticket) – Payment information needed ordered goods for payment via the selected external electronic settlements system ( payment purpose and method of payment amount , bank name , payment registration and confirmation Payment details ). operations manager ( see Politics Part 5 ) is collected safely encrypted your credit whether payment cards data . This information Company does not exist available. Contract compilation and her enforcement (GDPR Art. 6 (1) (b )) Lawful interest to make , to execute contract with other contract country , using her representative and in order to with him contact him / her to identify , to sign documents etc. (GDPR Art. 6 1(f))In order to to examine Yours inquiries , complaints , requests – Name – Email address – the one you sent us messages and their accessories – Communications with You history ( including her content and receipt / submission time ) Legal interest to answer your questions to be examined Yours requests whether complaints (GDPR Art. 6(1)(f)) Simple electronic letters in which you are asking legally non-binding information , there is stored for no longer than like 1 year after the last one appeal electronically by mail That in the event that you submit a complaint or claim to us whether next legal meaning having document , it we keep for 3 years In order to to inform about our provided services and to inquire Yours opinions about this in the newsletter help ( direct marketing ) – Email address Yours consent (GDPR Art. 6 (1)(a)) In order to to administer own social networks accounts (Facebook, Instagram) – User Name , surname – Contact information ( if you provide us with this ) – Your photo – Yours to leave comments after us records – Our records shares – Clicks on “ like ” , “ follow ” and other Yours reactions data ( including information about when you started to follow whether you liked our social network account ) Your sent to us messages with accessoriesCommunications with us history ( including messages content and their receipt / submission time ) Your to leave withdrawals and ratings Yours consent ( GDPR Art. 6 (1)(a) ), which You you give before starting to use specific social network services 10 years after you active actions performance our social networks in accounts In order to properly to administer The website , it to improve , to ensure her performance , increase safety and to adapt her content and form users needs – visiting you On the website we use and we collect cookies . More about cookies use read in section 8 of this Policy , “Cookies ” – Yours device IP address – Browsers type – Browsers version – Visit time and date – Online on the website missed time – Other information about Yours activity On the website Cookies to you device being installed having Yours consent (GDPR Art. 6 (1)(a)) Cookies help received person data handled our legal interest on the basis (GDPR Art. 6 (1)(f)) In order to to ensure property and persons safety ( video observation ) – when you visit our entertainment in the park – Yours image – Visiting / staying location – Behavior Personal property – Time and date Legal interest to ensure property and persons safety (GDPR Art. 6 (1)(f)) In order to to defend own rights and legitimate interests ( disputes decision ) – if declared demands , claims whether lawsuits and rises need from their to defend oneself , also when there is need to cooperate with law enforcement regulatory institutions rights acts established in cases and order – All of the above mentioned information related with others -For the purpose of forwarding to you and ( or ) submit documents and their accessories , process documents , court decisions , resolutionsInformation about crimes and indictable after the verdict Legal interest to defend own rights in legal matters in processes ( GDPR Art. 6 (1)(f ) ) Data is are needed in order to we could to declare , to execute or to defend legal requirements ( GDPR Art. 9 (2)(f) )
For whom for third parties for individuals we reveal Yours data?
By organizing Yours person data, we we can:
to share Yours person data with in the relevant companies of UAB “360 Arena” groups companies , if necessary determined for purposes to reach ;
to transfer Yours person data competent state-owned and / or municipalities for companies whether law enforcement institutions rights in acts as intended in cases and order , also in order to to ensure whether to defend our rights , to declare whether to defend legal requirements ;
your person data we can also to transfer our partners ( external services providers ). Data we only pass on to trusted people third parties countries and only in pursuit of properly to implement person data handling Your goals . person data as much as necessary specific functions to fulfill whether for service to give , can to be transmitted :
Payment operations to the processor ( for example , Paysera , Swedbank, SEB bank) and other );
Video monitoring cameras administration services providing for companies ;
Newsletters sending services providing for companies ;
Informational technology , IT infrastructure maintenance and service services providing for companies ;
Servers rental , servers maintenance services providing for companies ;
Electronic communications services providing for companies ;
Websites administration and ( or ) advertising services providing for companies ;
Accounting , auditing , legal and other services for those providing entities .
In cases where with us you communicate social networks help , you should to inquire specific social network applicable data protection under the conditions and to get acquainted with their privacy politics . All person the data you provide to us social networks help manages specific social network the controller ( e.g. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited).
What kind is Yours rights?
According to GDPR and others person data protection regulating rights acts , you you have these rights:
Law The essence Law to get acquainted with data You have right to submit request and to receive confirmation , whether we we are handling with You related data and if we are processing , please to get acquainted with managed data and with them related information Law to demand to correct data You have right to ask to correct or , depending on the person data handling goals , to supplement incomplete person data Law to demand delete data (” right to be forgotten ” ) You have right to ask delete information that we handle if do you think these data we use illegally whether in the presence of for others applicable rights in acts specified circumstances:when data no longer exists are needed so that would be to reach goals for which they was collected or otherwise processed;when you are calling back consent , which based on data handling , and no none next legal base to manage data;when you object data for processing and no superior legitimate basics to manage data , or you object data for processing direct marketing for purposes where data have to be deleted adhering For the company established legal obligations Law to limit data handlingYou have right to ask to limit person data processing if :disputed data accuracy whether opposed data for management;management is illegal , but you you disagree that would be delete person data and instead you ask to limit person data processing;data is necessary in order to to declare , to execute or to defend legal requirements Law disagree / cancel consent You have right to disagree to manage person data or cancel previously given consent when a person data handled based on consent on the basis of (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR) Right to data portability You have right to ask forward person data to another data to the manager , if data handling is based on consent or contract execution on the basis and is carried out automated by meansLaw to submit complaint If do you think that with You related person data handled in violation of the GDPR or others rights acts , you have right to submit complaint For the state data protection for inspection ( see )
What is Yours requests because of rights implementation examination order?
Upon receipt request because of Yours rights implementation , no later than within 1 ( one ) month from appeal days , we commit to submit answer and to perform in the request specified actions or to inform why we refuse them If necessary , we can extend specified period yet For 2 ( two ) months , depending on your request complexity and number . In this way in case , within 1 ( one ) month from request receipt days we will inform you about such extension and its cause .
Upon receipt Yours request , we we have to make sure that Yours identity is true , therefore we have right to ask to submit person identity confirming person data .
If you want to implement own rights or do you have any other questions related to with Yours rights implementation whether person data handling , please contact us electronic postal at
Are you profiling me ? and ( do ) you accept automated solutions?
We do not accept solutions that would be based on purely automated data handling , due to which you might have legal consequences or which would make you different big impact .
Visiting you On the website , we we use cookies , so that we would present you with this content and functions that is adapted namely Yours needs . Cookies is small textual information particles that automatically created while browsing On the website and is protected Yours on the computer whether in the next in the back on the device . Cookies helps to recognize you as Websites visitor , save visiting On the website history and to tailor your personal experience accordingly content , ensure smooth Websites operation , ensure faster and more comfortable Websites use , analyze Yours behavior and yes to improve provided services .
What kind for purposes we we use cookies ?
We do not use with cookies related information for you personally identify . Cookies we use it to ensure a more comfortable experience for you use Website . Cookies can to be used only for these for purposes to reach :
in order to to memorize Yours previous visit Online on the website and save Yours selected settings ( for example , the selected language );
in order to to ensure smooth and effective Online websites activities ;
in order to to ensure Online websites main functions operation ;
in order to to control Online websites inquiries number and to ensure Online websites visitors protection ;
in order to to collect reliable usage Online living room information that allows us to determine whether website corresponds users needs and her respectively improve .
What kind species cookies we we use ?
In this On the website can to be used these species cookies:
Essentials cookies – these cookies allows to perform main functions and such in a way to ensure appropriate websites performance (i.e. page navigation and access at safe websites areas ). These cookies is used necessarily and for them to use no need Yours consent , because without them Online website properly would not function ;
Functional cookies – these cookies allows For online use for the living room to memorize information from which belongs to her operation and appearance ( for example , a visitor’s selected language or region in which you are ). For these for cookies to use is necessary Yours consent , which you can anytime cancel ;
Analytical cookies – helps to perform visitors navigation methods and other Websites parameters statistical analysis . These cookies to receive results usually is anonymous and they used for statistical purposes only for these purposes . for cookies to use is necessary Yours consent , which you can anytime cancel ;
Promotional cookies – using these cookies is displayed customized for you content and advertising information . For these for cookies to use is necessary Yours consent , which you can anytime cancel
Used cookies list
Cookie name Type Purpose PHPSESSID Necessary cookie Cookie used save and identify user sessions unique code in order to to administer user login session On the website and is erasable after closing all browsers pages pll_language Functional cookie This cookie used to remember user languages settings when it returns to the Site , as well as to receive information about languages choice when it is not possible other in a way rc :: a Functional cookie These cookies is to dedicate identify malicious programs / viruses and protect Website from harmful attacks rc :: c Functional cookie These cookies is to dedicate identify malicious programs / viruses and protect Website from harmful attacks _ fbp Promotional cookie Facebook sets this cookie that would show ads when the user visits Facebook or digitally on the platform where used for Facebook advertising system _ gcl_au Promotional cookie Used by Google AdSense to to try advertisements effectiveness on websites where used their services _gat Analytical cookie Cookie is used to avoid overloading Google Analytics requests that would increase network inquiries efficiency _guide Analytical cookie User journal . Records visitors behavior on the website ( using Google Analytics ) _ga Analytical cookie Analytical cookie Visitors recognition identifier . Used to recognize unique visitors ( Google Analytics used ) _hjCachedUserAttributes Functional / Analytical cookie This cookie protects Websites visitor attributes that sent via the Hotjar Identify API when a user no included in the sample . These attributes will be saved only if user will interact with the Hotjar Feedback tool _hjid Functional / Analytical cookie Hotjar cookie . This cookie is determined when the client first once visits on the page with the Hotjar script . He used to want save Hotjar user identification number , which is unique to this site in the browser . Yes it is ensured that future visits in that in itself on the website during behavior would be assigned to the same user for identification for the number _hjIncludedInSample Functional / Analytical cookie Determines whether user navigation should to be registered in a certain statistical places in the holder
How to manage and delete cookies?
After visiting our On the website , your on the device is only the necessary ones are installed cookies . Analytical , functional and promotional cookies can to be install only yours with consent , them by choice cookies on the panel .
Also always you can configure own browser so that would be accept everyone cookies , reject everyone cookies or would be notified when a cookie is sent . Each browser different , therefore if you don’t know how to change cookies settings , take a look her help menu . Your device in the operating room in the system can to be additional cookies controls . If you don’t want that information would be collected cookies help , use in many browsers existing simple procedure , which allows to you to refuse cookies usage . To more to find out how to manage cookies , visit at :
Our On the website can also to be links to others individuals , companies whether organizations internet websites . We draw your attention attention that we we are not responsible for such internet websites content whether their used privacy assurance principles , as well as to them not applicable this Policy. Therefore if by clicking link from our Websites you will get to the others websites , you should separately to inquire their privacy politics .
Privacy and cookies politics changes
We stay. the right to any during to update whether change own Politics , therefore you should periodically to check in this On the website announced Politics . Further Yours use On the website after this on the page we will publish any Politics changes , means that You with them you met.
How can you with us contact ?
f because of in this In politics submitted information you may need questions , please please contact us electronic postal at